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    AED Product Codes


    The AED Plus by Zoll provides high-quality CPR at the proper depth and rate. Click here to learn more.

    Product Code Description Quantity
    21000010102011010 ZOLL AED Plus Package with AED Cover for Medical Professionals, One CPR-D Padz, One sleeve of Batteries, and Soft Carry Case.  Includes LCD screen showing voice prompt messages, device advisory messages, elapsed time, shock count and chest compression graph, Operator’s Guide and (5) five year limited warranty on AED. EACH
    8900-0800-01 CPR-D Padz one piece defibrillation and CPR System with compression, depth and rate sensors.  Supplied with gloves, barrier mask, scissors, razor, wet wipe, and dry wipe.  Five (5) year shelf-life. Special “long-life armor pack” for storage in softpak carry case. EACH
    8900-0810-01 Pedi•padz II Pediatric Multi-Function Electrodes – Designed for use with the ZOLL  AED Plus® defibrillator.  The AED recognizes when Pedi•padz II are connected and automatically proceeds with a pediatric ECG and adjusts energy to pediatric levels.  Twenty four (24) month shelf-life.  One Pair. EACH
    8000-0809-01 Mounting Bracket (used to mount unit on the wall) EACH
    8000-0855 Standard Metal Wall Cabinet – Alarmed EACH
    8000-0825  AED Plus® Wall Sign (81/2″ x 11″) EACH
    8008-0104-01 ZOLL  AED Plus® Training Unit. The  AED Plus® trainer is for use by Trainers to train in the use of the  AED Plus®.  Supplied with Training Remote Control, handheld cord, one set CPR-D training electrodes, one pair of replacement gels operator manual, administration guide and (1) one-year limited warranty. EACH
    8000-0834-01 AED Demo Kit. Includes carry bag, manikin torso with head and one CPR-Demo Pad. EACH
    8000-0819-01 Simulator/Tester -connects to  AED Plus® to demonstrate the operation EACH
    8000-0834-01 AED Demo Kit. Includes carry bag, manikin torso with head and one CPR-Demo Pad. EACH
    8000-0835-01 AED Plus® Demo Manikin. Includes manikin torso with velcro strips attached and a separate head with hardware for attachment EACH
    8000-0847-01 AED Plus® Demo Kit Carry Bag EACH
    8900-5007 CPR-D Demo Pad.  Includes one CPR-D Demo Pad (with Velcro strips for attachment to manikin) and y-cable with intelligent CPR puck and connector for the simulator. EACH
    8900-0809-01 Replacement CPR-D Demo Pads.  Includes a pair of CPR-D replacement electrode pads with tabbed pull-away gel covers (ie.e two “Demo Pad” assemblies, each with a pair of tabbed pull-away gel covers without the CPR puck assembly) Can be used to replace worn, frayed of lost pads from complete CPR-D Demo Pad. EACH

    For more information about the AED Plus by Zoll, contact your local MED Alliance Sales Representative, call 888-891-1200, or email us.

  • Contact Information

  • MED Alliance Group, Inc.
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2025 MED Alliance Group, Inc. REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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