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    Reduce Dressing Changes and Supply Costs with AquaGuard

    A 2016 survey of oncology and infusion clinicians concluded that 57% of early dressing changes are due to the site becoming wet or soiled.[1] These dressing changes are often prior to the protocol as outlined in the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections.[2] Early dressing changes and dressing [...]

    Congratulations to Mary Johnson for Receiving the Second Quarter Peer Award!

    Emily [left] with Mary [right]MED Alliance is pleased to congratulate Mary Johnson for being the 2019 second quarter Peer Award winner! Throughout Mary’s three years at MED Alliance, she has shown tremendous work ethic and dedication to the office staff, sales representatives, customers and manufacturing partners. In addition to her role in customer service, Mary [...]

    Statistically Significant Superiority for Both EtCO2 Measurement and Oxygen Delivery

    A leading cause in preventable adverse outcomes in sedated patient cases is failure to use or correctly interpret capnography in detecting respiratory depression.[1] Not every EtCO2 monitoring cannula consistently provides both accurate EtCO2 monitoring and the necessary supplemental O2 delivery. In fact, in a clinical study, the Salter Divided Sampling Cannula was the only nasal [...]

    MED Alliance International Welcomes Cole Surgical, Exclusive U.S. Distributor of SurgiTools

    MED Alliance International, a division of MED Alliance Group, is excited to partner with Cole Surgical, the exclusive distributor for SurgiTools, an Australian-based manufacturer offering innovative surgical instruments specific to minimally invasive surgery. Cole Surgical is partnering with MED Alliance to provide logistical and operational support to distribute ColpoWaveâ„¢, CerviGrip and SurgiAssistâ„¢ products from SurgiTools. [...]

    The Positive Shift to CPAP at the BLS Level

    The new 2019 National EMS Scope of Practice Model includes CPAP at the Basic Life Support (BLS) level.[1] This is good news for BLS crews! Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is used to treat a variety of conditions from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to congestive heart failure (CHF), and has proven beneficial in decreasing [...]

    Safe Blood For All – World Blood Donor Day 2019

    Every year on June 14th, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The public health holiday, established by the World Health Organization (WHO), serves as both a thank you to those who donate blood and to raise awareness about the continuous need for blood donation around the... Read More

    MED Alliance International Welcomes AdvancedCPR Solutions

    MED Alliance International, a division of MED Alliance Group, LLC, is excited to partner with AdvancedCPRâ„¢ Solutions, the manufacturer of the EleGARDâ„¢ Patient Positioning System. The EleGARD System is designed to precisely, rapidly and consistently position patients for the delivery of the ElevatedCPR method in pre-hospital and hospital settings. A Minnesota-based company, AdvancedCPR Solutions is [...]

    Enhance First-Stick Success in Neonates and Pediatrics with Argon PICC Lines

    Since their debut in the 1970s, peripherally inserted catheters (PICC) have grown in popularity due to being deemed safer and simpler than central venous lines. Over a million PICCs are placed each year in the United States,1 with many of them being placed in infants and children. Placing PICC lines in these small patients can [...]

    Meet Anesthesia Guidelines with One Device that Provides Statistically Superior EtCO

    A leading cause in preventable adverse outcomes in sedated patient cases is failure to use or correctly interpret capnography in detecting respiratory depression.2 When opiates used in sedation cause respiratory depression, the sedated patient is unable to wake themselves up from being deprived of oxygen. Respiratory depression that goes undetected can have severe effects, such [...]

    Two Representatives Receive MED Alliance Group 2018 Salesperson of the Year Award

    MED Alliance Group is proud to recognize sales representatives Marc Tutt and Mike Donohoe as joint recipients of the 2018 Salesperson of the Year Award – a first in the history of this award at MED Alliance. Mike Schroeder (left) and Marc Tutt (right) “I am very honored to present this award to a deserving [...]

    March 10 – 16 is Patient Safety Awareness Week

    Medical Devices Can Help Enhance Patient Safety March 10 – 16 is National Patient Safety Awareness Week™, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement - National Patient Safety Foundation is raising awareness to improve patient safety in the delivery of health care. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, succeeding [...]

    This Unique ETT Helps Prevent Traumatic Airway Collisions

    Endotracheal tubes (ETT) are commonly used to help secure airways during routine as well as unplanned and difficult intubations. Their use is relatively safe when used by trained clinicians, but there are risks associated with their use. In a 2017 case study1, a 46-year-old male was scheduled for a an anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion [...]
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  • MED Alliance Group, Inc.
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2023 MED Alliance Group, Inc. REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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