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    Temperature Indicators: To Condition or Not to Condition … That is the Question

    -Taken in part from TempTime VuePoints Irreversible blood temperature indicators help ensure that the blood products stay within the appropriate temperature range. This can ultimately save money by reducing blood wastage, while also maintaining quality control. The problem? Not all indicators on the market are created equal. The ones that require conditioning in some way [...]

    January Is National Blood Donor Month – Have You Donated?

    Did You Know:Someone in the United States needs blood every two seconds.1 January is National Blood Donor Month, and the American Red Cross has issued an urgent call for donors.2 There was a shortfall of approximately 27,000 donations over the winter holiday season. As of January 14th, the Red Cross had less than a three-day [...]

    MED Alliance Celebrates 20 Years of Success

    MED Alliance recently celebrated 20 years of serving the medical community with high-quality products and unmatched customer service. This milestone anniversary gives the MED Alliance team an opportunity to reflect on the growth we experienced as a direct result of the hard work and dedication from those we are lucky enough to work with. We [...]

    Congratulations Sarah Moudy, MED Alliance 2018 Employee of the Year

    MED Alliance Sales and Marketing Coordinator Sarah Moudy was awarded Employee of the Year during the annual Holiday party on Friday, December 17. A true team player and an exceptionally hard worker, Sarah was recognized for her dedication and contributions to MED Alliance. Sarah joined MED Alliance in 2017 as a recent graduate of Northern [...]

    Cath Lab Physicians and Staff Can Decrease Their Radiation Exposure Risk by Doing this One Thing

    According to Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, over one million cardiac catheterization procedures are performed annually in the United States.3 Although cardiac catheterizations are generally considered safe, radiation exposure is a risk for the patient as well as the interventional cardiologists and cath lab personnel. Over the past decade, older cardiac interventionalists have shown high rates [...]

    Help Improve Quality of Care with the IV/Vascular Access and Interventional Radiology Devices Offered Through MED Alliance Group

    MED Alliance Group is proud to specialize in the distribution of intravenous/vascular access and interventional radiology products that help healthcare providers improve patient safety, patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. INTRAVENOUS/VASCULAR ACCESS The AquaGuard Moisture Barrier from Covalon Technologies Ltd. was designed to improve quality of care and outcomes for patients with catheter sites, surgical incisions [...]

    The Blood Supply Chain – Learning About the Points of Failure

    MED Alliance Group is proud to offer an inclusive portfolio of blood transfusion products. Our recent partnership with MaxQ has allowed for a seamless pairing of TempTime’s Safe-T-Vue Temperature Indicators and MaxQ’s MaxPlus Coolers to help provide a solution to complications that arise in the blood supply chain. Below is an article originally posted by [...]

    MED Alliance Recognizes Austin Culton as the Second Quarter Peer Award Recipient

    Congratulations to Austin Culton, warehouse team member, for being awarded the second quarter MED Alliance Peer Award! Austin has been with the MED Alliance team for three years and recently stepped into a full-time warehouse position. Since taking on this new role, Austin’s accomplishments and work ethic haven’t been overlooked. Two peers from two different [...]

    What Sets Us Apart? Specialized Clinical Support

    As a medical device distributor, MED Alliance provides hospitals and emergency medical facilities with innovative devices for a wide range of acute care services. One of MED Alliance’s main priorities is to help healthcare organizations enhance their quality of care and improve patient outcomes by offering the most effective and cost-efficient medical devices on the [...]

    Protect Cardiovascular Health from Scatter Radiation with RADPAD®

    Since the early 1900s, radiation therapy has been a useful tool to treat cancer. Early in the 20th century, radiologists discovered that while radiation was effective in curing cancer, it could also cause cancer and other potentially life-threatening diseases by harming the cells surrounding the cancerous tissue. Although modern medicine has fine-tuned this treatment to [...]
  • Contact Information

  • MED Alliance Group, Inc.
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2023 MED Alliance Group, Inc. REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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