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  • Hans Rudolph Product Codes

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    Hans Rudolph Product Codes

    V2 Masks from Hans Rudolph

    The V2 Series NIV Full-Face Masks from Hans Rudolph accommodate respiratory therapy patients’ needs with multiple sizes and configurations. Learn More.

    Product Code Description U/M
    6500 V2 NIV, Non-Vented, No Anti-Asphyxia Valve, Green Swivel
    113530 Large Disposable 6500 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113531 Medium Disposable  6500 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113532 Small Disposable 6500 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113533 Extra Small Disposable 6500 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113534 Petite Disposable 6500 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    6600 V2 CPAP/BiLevel,  Vented with  Anti-Asphyxia Valve, Blue Swivel
    113555 Large Disposable 6600 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm OD with Headgear 18/CS
    113556 Medium Disposable 6600 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm OD with Headgear 18/CS
    113557 Small Disposable 6600 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm OD with Headgear 18/CS
    113558 Extra Small Disposable 6600 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm OD with Headgear 18/CS
    113559 Petite Disposable 6600 V2 Mask, AAV, Vented, 22mm OD with Headgear 18/CS
    6700 V2 BiLevel, Non-Vented with Anti-Asphyxia Valve, Yellow Swivel
    113550 Large Disposable 6700 V2 Mask, AAV, no CO2 Venting, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113551 Medium Disposable 6700 V2 Mask, AAV, no CO2 Venting, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113552 Small Disposable 6700 V2 Mask, AAV, no CO2 Venting, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113553 Extra Small Disposable 6700 V2 Mask, AAV, no CO2 Venting, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
    113554 Petite Disposable 6700 V2 Mask, AAV, no CO2 Venting, 22mm ID with Headgear 18/CS
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    Sycamore, IL 60178

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