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  • Benefits of High-Flow Nasal Therapy with the HFT 150

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    Benefits of High-Flow Nasal Therapy with the HFT 150

    High-flow nasal therapy is a rapidly emerging treatment to help those who struggle with a respiratory disease. The HFT 150 High-Flow System by Invent Respiratory, is an all-in-one solution that enhances the use of high-flow nasal therapy and optimizes patient outcomes.

    Ideal Candidates for High-Flow Nasal Therapy

    The HFT 150 is ideal for patients with respiratory illnesses, such as acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. The HFT 150 is also suited for patients who have heart failure, pneumonia, and selective patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    Benefits of High-Flow Nasal Therapy

    High-flow nasal therapy is less invasive than other forms of oxygen therapy and may help patients avoid intubation. High-flow nasal therapy allows patients more comfort as they can still eat and communicate with clinicians while receiving treatment.

    Benefits of the HFT 150 Heated High-Flow System Over Other Devices

    The HFT 150 Heated High-Flow System from Invent Respiratory delivers warmed, humidified, and precise high-flow oxygen therapy to patients experiencing hypoxemic respiratory failure. The all-in-one solution is an integrated, single-unit device with an intuitive interface that is easy to read and simple to operate. An integrated humidifier tub is easily accessed to clean and replace the water while the HFT 150’s patented filter technology eliminates maintenance costs and lengthy cleaning cycles. The built-in pulse oximeter allows for integrated SpO2 monitoring and a built-in battery allows uninterrupted therapy during patient transport. Learn More.

    For more information on the HFT 150 or a demonstration, contact your local MED Alliance Group sales representative, call 888-891-1200 or email us.

    MED Alliance Group is a medical device distributor that has been meeting the needs of our clinical customers and manufacturing partners since 1998. We specialize in the sales, marketing, importation, logistics and distribution of innovative, high-quality and cost-effective products found in anesthesia and respiratory, blood and transfusion therapy, EMS and emergency room, interventional radiology and cath lab, iv and vascular, NICU/PICU and pharmacy.

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    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

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    PHONE: 630-443-7070

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