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  • Hospice Caregivers: Administer Medication and Fluids Rapidly with the Macy Catheter

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    Hospice Caregivers: Administer Medication and Fluids Rapidly with the Macy Catheter

    Macy CatheterWhen caring for patients approaching death, administering medication orally or intravenously can be difficult, uncomfortable and ineffective for the patient. In a hospice setting, the patient’s end-of-life comfort is paramount. The Macy Catheter can assist you in making your patient comfortable.

    The Macy Catheter is a rectal catheter that provides a quick and easy route for medication and fluid delivery to help facilitate rapid symptom management. The thin silicone catheter administers medication via rectal mucosal absorption.

    According to “Case Study: A New Intervention for Rapid End-of-Life Symptom Control in the Home Setting” published by the Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing in 2016, “The walls of the rectum are highly vascularized and quickly and effectively absorb many of the medications used for EOL symptom control.”

    Medications delivered via the Macy Catheter partially avoid the liver, making them more effective compared to the oral route.

    The Macy Catheter enables caregivers to administer medication repeatedly without invading the patient’s privacy each time medication is needed. The catheter can stay in place for 28 days.

    Studies have concluded that both the clinicians and patients are highly satisfied with the Macy Catheter approach.

    Based in Newark, California, Hospi Corporation was founded in 2012 and is dedicated to improving quality-of-life by innovating practical, high impact medical devices that enhance patient comfort and well-being, ease caregiver burden, and reduce cost.  The Macy Catheter received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2014.

    For more information about the Macy Catheter, contact your local MED Alliance Group Sales Representative, call 888-891-1200 or email us.

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