MaxPlus Blood Cooler Product Codes

The MaxPlus Blood Cooler Systems by MaxQ are innovative, low-weight, high-strength and long-lasting coolers specifically designed for the transport and storage of blood and blood products. Click here to learn more.
Item ID | Item Description | U/M |
MaxPlus Blood Coolers | ||
R10MB | 1 – 3 units of pRBC/Plasma, 1 – 6 °C, Insulated box: 10MB box Gel packs: KB365 (2) Payload insert: PI10 (1) Strap: STR (1) | EACH |
RT10MB |  1 – 4 units of Platelets, 20-24 °C, Insulated box: 10MB box Gel packs: S10 (2) Payload insert: PI10 (1) Strap: STR (1) | EACH |
R12X24 | 2 – 8 units of pRBC/Plasma, 1 – 6 °C, Insulated box: 12MB box Gel packs: S6 (2), BP0P (3) Strap: STR (1) | EACH |
R12X24-C | 2 – 8 units of pRBC/Plasma, 1 – 6 °C, Insulated box: 12MB box Gel packs: S6 (2), BP0P (3) Strap: STR (1) CUSTOMIZED WITH HANDLES AND WHEELS | EACH |
MaxPlus EMT Cooler | ||
EMT10V24 | Up to 2 whole blood units (or RBC + Plasma units), 1 – 6 °C, Insulated box: EMT10V Gel packs: EMTGK-1S (PCM 5 bricks (2) Strap: STR (1) | EACH |
MaxPlus MTP Cooler | ||
MTP18E12 | pRBC: 2 – 6 units Warm/cold PL: 2 – 6 units PLT: 1 – 2 units, pRBC and PL: 1- 6 °C Warm PL: cooling towards 1-6 °C PLT: 20 – 24 °C, Insulated box: MTP18E box Gel packs: 7 | EACH |
Components & Accessories | ||
S6-2S | S6 gel packs, Set of 10- For systems: R14MB | EACH |
R12-GK-2S | Set of 2 Gel pack kits for R12X24 – (R12X24, R12X24-C): S6 (4), BP0P (6) ) | EACH |
S10-2S | Set of 4 – For systems: RT10MB | EACH |
KB365-2S | Set of 4 – For systems: R10MB | EACH |
EMT-GK-2S | Gel pack kit for EMT10V24: EMT5C (4), KB365 (2) | EACH |
MTP18-GK-2S | Gel pack kit for MTP 2.0 (or) MTP18X12: BP0P (6), S6 (4), SG22P (2) | EACH |
MTPE-GK-1S | Gel pack kit for MTP 3.0 (or) MTP18E12: B18PCM0 (1), B22PCM0 (2), B22PCM5 (1), B18PCM5 (2), B18PCM22 (1) | EACH |
MTP18E-CPLT-GK | Coolant blankets to store Chilled Platelets in the MTP3.0 Cooler1 case of 4 coolant blankets (2xFrozen, 2xRef) | EACH |
MTP18E-PIP | Clear plastic (hard) patient information holder with the mounting kit for MTP3.0 Cooler | EACH |
MTP18E-PIP-CS5 | Clear plastic (hard) patient information holder with the mounting kit for MTP3.0 Cooler. Case of 5 holders | EACH |
BP0P-1K | Case of 10 BPOP gel packs | EACH |
PI10-5S | Set of 5 Payload inserts (5)Â Â For R10MB, RT10MB | EACH |
Vaccine-GK-2S | Set of 2 Gel pack kits for refrigerated vaccine cooler (V12X12): BP0P (6), S6 (6) | EACH |
STR-5S | A set of 5 length adjustable straps with shoulder pads | EACH |
For more information about MaxPlus Blood Coolers by MaxQ, contact your local MED Alliance Sales Representative, call 888-891-1200, or email us.