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  • MED Alliance Group Names 2016 Salesperson of the Year

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    MED Alliance Group Names 2016 Salesperson of the Year

    Salesperson of the Year
    Mike Schroeder, MED Alliance Vice President of Sales (left) presents the 2016 Salesperson of the Year Award to Rick Hasseld, MED Alliance Group Sales Representative – Michigan (right).

    When Rick Hasseld isn’t hunting, fishing or boating with his family in Michigan, he is out selling medical devices for MED Alliance Group, Inc.

    Named 2016 Salesperson of the Year at the MAGI 2017 Summer Sales Meeting, Rick won the title by having the highest percentage of overall revenue growth and new business combined. Rick won the title in 2014 as well.

    “We have an outstanding group of 15 Sales Reps across the Midwest, and after doing the math, Rick alone accounted for 15% of MED Alliance Group’s overall new business,” said MED Alliance Vice President of Sales Mike Schroeder.

    Rick has 33 years of selling experience and has been with MED Alliance Group for seven years.

    Rick recalled the “good old days” when medical sales representatives could go into a hospital unannounced, run up to the third floor and say hi to the Nurse Manager. Those days are over and he said this is probably the hardest part of his job. “They don’t want reps roaming the hospital halls anymore, which is understandable. Navigating the hospital politics and being able to get meetings with the right people is tougher now.”

    “When you do get in front of that customer, you’d better be ready to go. You’ve got to take advantage of the opportunity of getting in front of them,” said Rick.

    His strategy is networking and cross-selling. Rick builds relationships with his customers and works hard to maintain those relationships. When he talks to his contact in the Emergency Department, he doesn’t hesitate to ask what products they use in the ICU. He explained that sometimes they will actually walk him to the other department and introduce him to the perfect person.

    Rick is always prepared. “Just the other day, I went to a hospital for an appointment with a Nurse Educator and I ended up going to the ED, Cath Lab, Labor and Delivery and pre-surgery areas. I always have six or seven products in my bag.”

    “Rick pays attention to everything in his bag,” said Mike. “No matter if it has high potential or low potential, he does really well with it all.”

    Rick said he likes having a mixed bag. “It’s a balancing act; you’ve got to keep a lot of balls in the air.”  He also likes helping customers solve a problem or fulfill a need. “It’s always nice to have a victory when the order comes in; it’s like winning. But knowing I’ve helped someone in the process is even better.”

    Rick said he couldn’t have won Salesperson of the Year without the entire MED Alliance team. “It’s a team effort. I’m only as good as the staff in the office. I could sell the heck out of whatever, but if the products aren’t stocked, shipped or billed correctly, I’ll lose those customers.”

    He attributes his success to several other things as well. He said his dad told him early on, “If you’re going to do something, put your best effort into it so even if it doesn’t work out, you know you gave it your all.” Rick also said he thinks it’s important to enjoy what you are doing. “No matter how much money you make, if you hate your job, it isn’t worth it.”

    Mike said, “Rick not only likes what he does, he is very good at what he does. He is easy to work with and is always ready to try something new. It’s because of Reps like him that MED Alliance is so successful.”


    FAMILY: Rick Hasseld has been married for 33 years, has two adult children and four grandchildren.

    EDUCATION: BA in Business from Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin

    HOBBIES: Hunting, Fishing, Boating, and Softball

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