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  7. SpiraLithCa® Absorbent by Micropore

SpiraLithCa® Absorbent by Micropore

Use Low-Flow Anesthesia Without Consequence

The Solution to All Problems with Granular Absorbents

SpiraLithCa® by Micropore utilizes revolutionary Solid Absorbent Technology™ to solve all the problems associated with granular absorbents used during the administration of anesthesia. SpiraLithCa® Absorbent incorporates the latest low-flow chemistry, less than 1% NaOH, with no reduction in duration to allow clinicians to take advantage of low-flow anesthesia and its benefits without consequence.

Traditional carbon dioxide absorbents degrade volatile anesthetics and produce toxic byproducts such as Compound A, Carbon Monoxide and Formaldehyde, preventing clinicians from utilizing true low-flow anesthesia. Although more recent absorbents have tried to address the issue by removing KOH and reducing NaOH concentrations to less than 2%, these changes negatively impact performance (dust and efficiency) and decrease canister duration. Micropore’s Solid Absorbent Technology™ solves all of these problems allowing clinicians to take advantage of the economic, environmental and safety benefits of low-flow anesthesia.

SpiraLithCa® Absorbent Benefits

  • Eliminates dust
  • Eliminates channeling
  • Reliable color change shows product exhaustion and remaining life
  • Enhances safety
  • Reduces maintenance and logistics
  • Reduced cost and superior duration
  • Environmentally friendly

SpiraLithCa® Absorbent Compatibility

SpiraLithCa® Absorbent products are available in four models for compatibility with a variety of anesthesia machines. Special housing ensures integration into the machines.

  • RX-2903C is compatible with Drager Apollo, Fabius, Tiro and Zeus anesthesia machines
  • RX-3903C is compatible with Drager Fabius and Perseus anesthesia machines
  • RX-3719C is compatible with GE Aisys, Aespire and Avance anesthesia machines
  • RX-3616C is compatible with GE Aestiva and Mindray A3-A9 anesthesia machines



To request an evaluation or more information about SpiraLithCa® Absorbent by Micropore, contact your local MED Alliance Sales Representative, call 888-891-1200, or email us.

  • Contact Information

  • MED Alliance Group, Inc.
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2025 MED Alliance Group, Inc. REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA