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    Enhance First-Stick Success in Neonates and Pediatrics with Argon PICC Lines

    Since their debut in the 1970s, peripherally inserted catheters (PICC) have grown in popularity due to being deemed safer and simpler than central venous lines. Over a million PICCs are placed each year in the United States,1 with many of them being placed in infants and children. Placing PICC lines in these small patients can [...]

    What Sets Us Apart? Specialized Clinical Support

    As a medical device distributor, MED Alliance provides hospitals and emergency medical facilities with innovative devices for a wide range of acute care services. One of MED Alliance’s main priorities is to help healthcare organizations enhance their quality of care and improve patient outcomes by offering the most effective and cost-efficient medical devices on the [...]

    Secure CVCs Without Suturing

    Suturing central venous catheters (CVCs) is a widely used and effective way of securement but can come with great risks, such as infection and needle stick injuries. An article from The Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology reports that needle stick injuries pose a significant injury to healthcare providers, with 25-39 injuries per 100,000 sutures [...]

    IV and Vascular Access Product Codes

    MED Alliance carries a wide range of iv and vascular access products from Argon. Click here to learn more. Product Code Product Description U/M 384061 Intro Needle U-Wing 24G for 28G Cath 10 384062 26GA (1.9Fr) First Stic-N Introducer 10 384221 26G/1.9Fr x 50cm S/L First PICC w/Argon First Stic-N 5 384222 26G/1.9Fr x 50cm [...]

    Argon First PICC and Adult/Pediatric PICC and Midline Insertion Trays

    Argon First PICC and First Midcath Catheters are high-quality silicone catheters designed for safe and easy placement. Argon PICC and Midline Insertion Trays such as the Neonatal Maximal Barrier Insertion Tray include high-quality components to meet clinical needs and industry standards while improving patient outcomes.
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  • MED Alliance Group, Inc.
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2025 MED Alliance Group, Inc. REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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