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    Statistically Significant Superiority for Both EtCO2 Measurement and Oxygen Delivery

    A leading cause in preventable adverse outcomes in sedated patient cases is failure to use or correctly interpret capnography in detecting respiratory depression.[1] Not every EtCO2 monitoring cannula consistently provides both accurate EtCO2 monitoring and the necessary supplemental O2 delivery. In fact, in a clinical study, the Salter Divided Sampling Cannula was the only nasal [...]

    Meet Anesthesia Guidelines with One Device that Provides Statistically Superior EtCO

    A leading cause in preventable adverse outcomes in sedated patient cases is failure to use or correctly interpret capnography in detecting respiratory depression.2 When opiates used in sedation cause respiratory depression, the sedated patient is unable to wake themselves up from being deprived of oxygen. Respiratory depression that goes undetected can have severe effects, such [...]

    This Unique ETT Helps Prevent Traumatic Airway Collisions

    Endotracheal tubes (ETT) are commonly used to help secure airways during routine as well as unplanned and difficult intubations. Their use is relatively safe when used by trained clinicians, but there are risks associated with their use. In a 2017 case study1, a 46-year-old male was scheduled for a an anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion [...]
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    Sycamore, IL 60178

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