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  • The Role of PEEP During Respiratory Distress

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    The Role of PEEP During Respiratory Distress

    Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) are becoming the standard of care in treating patients with respiratory distress. PEEP especially has become more popular due to the hypoxia that COVID-19 creates and PEEP’s ability to improve oxygenation and airway pressure.

    EMS Airway states that whenever oxygenation is a problem, PEEP will likely help, and that the benefits of PEEP warrant the purchase of a PEEP valve for use on bag-valve masks.[1]

    GO-PAP™ from Pulmodyne

    GO-PAP Emergency CPAPThe GO-PAP™ from Pulmodyne allows delivery of both CPAP and PEEP in one device. The GO-PAP™ simply connects to the low-pressure barb and operates at 10LPM while delivering approximately 30% FiO2. Additionally, the PEEP is independent of flow, so clinicians can set it, forget it, and focus on the patient.

    GO-PAP™ features include:

    • Runs at 10 LPM of oxygen and generates up to 90 LPM of flow
    • Has an approximate 30% FiO2
    • Includes 3 options for PEEP of 5, 7 and 10 cm H2O
    • Run time of approximately 40 minutes
    • Integrated nebulization without interrupting the delivered flow to the patient
    • Nebulize from one tank utilizing the Neb-Connect™
    • Comes with the Pulmodyne BiTrac™ ED Mask


    To learn more about the GO-PAP™ with Integrated Nebulizer from Pulmodyne, call 888-891-1200 or email us to be connected to your local sales representative.

    MED Alliance Group is a medical device distributor that has been dedicated to meeting the needs of our clinical customers and manufacturing partners since 1998. We specialize in the sales, marketing, importation, logistics and distribution of innovative, high-quality and cost-effective products found in anesthesia and respiratory, blood and transfusion therapy, EMS and emergency room, interventional radiology and cath lab, iv and vascular, as well as NICU and PICU.

    Please follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter for MED Alliance product updates.



    [1] https://emsairway.com/2020/06/02/why-peep/

  • Contact Information

  • MED Alliance Group, Inc.
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2025 MED Alliance Group, Inc. REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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